Cyclical Soliloquy
peterdarinkleinVerse 1]
[Lead: Male Vocal]
This world is complete.
So there's no need to compete.
Don't you want to have friends?
Continue to pretend,
and see how good life can be.
[Verse 2]
[Lead: Male Vocal]
I hear you working late,
trying to wrap things up.
And when you're deep in sleep,
These things awaken you in nightmares.
[Pre Chorus]
You may be able to fool them,
and preezent as a regular victim.
But what goes around comes around.
Square peg,
in a cyclical world
Square peg,
that can't find his hole.
You're too short for this ride, square peg.
Ride square peg,
Ride square peg,
Ride square peg.
[Verse 3]
[Lead: Male Vocal]
Please direct your attention
to his strange dimensions.
I've read all of his notes.
They're beginning to concern me.
What could be at risk is,
his sanity.
Square peg,
in a cyclical world
Square peg,
that can't find its hole.
Time for you to say your goodbyes, square peg.
Bye square peg,
Bye square peg,
Bye square peg, goodbye.