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Echoes of the Past

Our PlayStation Videos
If I could take back all those nights, All the tears and all the fights/ If I could just go back in time/ To make // everything alright/ Just know I'd rewrite every line/ Every single time/ cause losing you has made me loose my mind/ said Losing you has made me loose my mind // Days are flying by now and im loosing the time/ Though I know - ill soon be able to find/ it - and when I do, the script will get flipped/ dreams finally come true/ shit/ all those long nights you used to pray in your room/ No more making ends meet, working 6 days a week, every week/ just so i dont get beat by this fuckin system we living in/ defeats/ a word you won't hear me repeat, needa make right with my brothers/ Give back to my mother , my father, I'm just like you deep down, they just worked harder to make sure I was in a position to go farther than my Pops and my grandfather/ They say when you die, you spirit, your soul, leave your body and float up to the sky/ to look down on loved ones in times, when advice is a welcoming sight/ right? Or Wrong?/ Well that depends on what family you came from/ what streets you used to be on, what beliefs you took and grew from/ Did you have to scrap to eat, or where you like me, and told to remove your cap when you took a seat to get your feed on?/ Or were you one of the lucky ones who received when you were conceived one of life's get through free coupons?/ Where you can't do no wrong?/ Damn... open up the notepad and kick up the feet, looking through my raps like "man you really wrote that crap"/ jeez/ rich dad poor dad is what I use for relief, cause you cant take insights from deep minds to many times/ that shit will make you change your beliefs. Philosophies be differant for every individual, the curiosity lives inside like residiual, leverage it to your side and bridge the gap between invisible and non fictional/ No apology needed cause the only boundaries in sight are the ones we apply inside our minds/ believe it/ Im just out here tryna find my inner sound/ I can hear it pumping loud, im just working on ways of getting it out, uphold the standard you set because that will be the thing that gets/ You landed either next to your idol or beside your rival, step ya game up, we aint got/ Much time left, survival, is crucial/ Ima do me you do you/ three two, one, two is my set/ country town, dirt road is where I learnt respect/ You can't expect to accept any form of a cheque until a certain standards met, because nothing worth while should be able to collect until you lost your mind in the process of tryna get that shit/ damn //If I could take back all those nights, All the tears and all the fights/ If I could just go back in time/ To make everything alright/ Just know I'd rewrite every line/ Every single time/ cause losing you has made me loose my mind/ said, Every single time/ Cause losing you has made me loose my mind /
